How To Organize a Kitchen - Under The Sink

Organizing a kitchen can be a big task. Break it down into sections to make it more manageable.
If you don't have a lot of time but need to get your kitchen organized it's much easier if you do it section by section. There are 4 sections to focus on: drawers, cabinets, under the sink, and the fridge/freezer. We are going to focus on the cabinet under the sink in this article. Let's get started.
1. Gather organizers.
I highly recommend deep plastic bins for under the sink like our Basically Everything Bins. Stay away from wood or fabric baskets as things under the sink tend to get damp. You need a bin that is water resistant and can be easily washed.
2. Empty the cabinet & create groups.
Pull everything out. As you do, place everything into a group with like items. Common groups: dish detergents, household cleaners, scrubbers & sponges, garbage bags etc.
This is one of those grimier places in the home so a good wipe down is necessary.
3. Time to purge.
This cabinet typically does not have a lot of space simply due to the garbage disposal and pipes. We've got to highly prioritize what is going to go in there. Look through your items and make some decisions. Will you keep it, throw it away, donate it, or rehome it?
- Throw away any old sponges, scrubbers, or cleaning products that you can no longer use (or shouldn't be using).
- Combine opened containers of the same products.
- Toss anything you do not like or know you will not use.
- If an item does not belong under the sink, rehome it.
4. Consider the layout.
Is your cabinet deep but narrow or very wide but not deep? Position your bins under the sink in a way that maximizes the space. The handles do not always need to face out. Sometimes turning your bin makes more sense.
4. Start filling the cabinet.
The things that you use the most need to go in the front for easy reach. Keep working starting with the most used towards the front and the least in the back, keeping things in their groups. If you stock up and have multiples of something, put the extras in the very back.
4. Finishing up.
Label all bins. If your cabinet is full but you still have more items, DO NOT keep stuffing and overfill the cabinet. Do another round of purging. Remember, typically we only use 20% of everything we own.
Find items that are rarely used but you want to keep. Put them in another container and find a home for that container, possibly in another cabinet, pantry or storage room.
Under your sink should now be in top shape. You know where everything is and everything is in a place that makes sense. Congrats!
You are now ready to organize another section of your kitchen.
If you are needing a complete kitchen organizing solution check out our kitchen organizing packs. If you are wanting to just tackle this space for now check out our large Basically Everything Bin & our small Basically Everything Bin.
This post is part of the kitchen organizing series: drawers, cabinets, under the sink, and the fridge/freezer.
Happy organizing!