How To Organize a Kitchen - Drawers

Organizing a kitchen can be a big task. Break it down into sections to make it more manageable.
If you don't have a lot of time but need to get your kitchen organized it's much easier if you do it section by section. There are 4 sections to focus on: drawers, cabinets, under the sink, and the fridge/freezer. We are going to focus on the drawers in this article. Let's get started.
1. Get drawer organizers.
Drawer organizers are not really optional. Without them every time you open and close a drawer things are going to move around and before you know it you are right back to where you started. So have multiple sizes on hand.
2. Empty all drawers & create groups.
Work drawer by drawer. As you remove an item place it in a group with like items. Common groups: eating utensils, serving utensils, spatulas & large spoons, linens, junk drawer items, measuring/baking etc. At the end of this step all drawers should be empty. Take an extra couple minutes and wipe them out.
3. Time to purge.
Look over every group and every single item and make some decisions. Will you keep it, throw it away, donate it, or rehome it?
- Throw away any broken items.
- Donate duplicate items if you do not routinely use them.
- Donate anything you no longer need or never use.
- If an item does not belong in a drawer or in the kitchen, rehome it.
4. Consider the layout.
Your prime real estate will be the drawers next to your sink & stove/oven. Now take a look at your groups. The groups you don't use as much can go in drawers further away from the main work area of your kitchen. So before you start refilling take a look around and do some preplanning. Here are some suggestions on where to put your groups:
- Large cooking utensils (spatulas, spoons, etc.) close to your range.
- Washcloths and dishtowels near the sink.
- Eating utensils in a drawer near the cabinet containing your plates and bowls.
- If you have a really tall/deep drawer consider using it for large items like bowls, pots & pans, or small appliances.
4. Start filling the drawers using your drawer organizers.
The things that you use the most are the first things to go into a drawer organizer and into a drawer. Fill drawers starting with the groups you use the most and working your way towards the least. You'll most likely have some space next to an organizer, use that space as well.
4. Finishing up.
If your drawers are full but you still have more items, DO NOT keep stuffing and overfill the drawers. Do another round of purging. Remember, typically we only use 20% of everything we own.
If you've done a second round of purging but still need more room, find items that are rarely used but you want to keep. Put them in another container and find a home for that container. Possibly in a cabinet, pantry, or storage room. Give yourself a time limit for those items. Like if you have not used them in a year you will donate them.
Your drawers should now be in top shape. You know where everything is and everything is in a place that makes sense. Your drawers organizers will keep everything right where they should be and help you stay organized.
You are now ready to organize another section of your kitchen!
If you are needing a complete kitchen organizing solution check out our kitchen organizing packs. If you are wanting to just tackle the drawers for now check out all of our drawer organizers. They come in every size you need.
This post is part of the kitchen organizing series: drawers, cabinets, under the sink, and the fridge/freezer.
Happy organizing!